Near the end of August, Vanquin saw this small young puppy tossed out of a car near Shonto. She rescued the puppy and saw that the puppy had severe injuries. She asked her neighbor, Joe, how could this puppy get help. Joe reached out to us. It was a Friday night, and the only available option was an emergency hospital in Flagstaff, 2 1/2 hours away.
Joe was willing to drive the puppy to Flagstaff, so we contacted the hospital to confirm that they had space to take her in. On the way to Flagstaff, Joe marveled at the puppy’s strong will to live, and she made a strong connection with Joe. Joe named her Strength.
At Canyon Pet Hospital, in Flagstaff, the veterinarian determined that Strength had breaks in 3 legs. Her rear left leg had bone sticking out and needed amputation. However, unless we could locate a surgeon who felt that they could also save her front leg, euthanasia was recommended. In addition to all that, her other hip was injured and she had terrible road rash. This tiny baby weighed in at only 3 pounds.

With multiple injuries stacked against her, Strength displayed affection and inner strength and captured the hearts of every person she met. When our adoption coordinator, Deb, first met Strength at Canyon, Strength looked directly at her, gave her multiple kisses, wagged her tail and tried to stand while eating.
Over the course of a few days, we connected with Dr. Holcomb at Montezuma Veterinary Services in Camp Verde who agreed to take on Strength’s case. Dr. Holcomb performed Strength’s amputation and splinted her tiny broken leg. We all sent good wishes, said prayers for her to make it through her surgery. Thankfully, Strength did marvelously in surgery. Major thanks to Dr. Holcomb and her team!
And then it was up to the exceptional care of her medical foster home with Nathan, Sherrell, and David to help Strength recover. Day by day, Strength thrived, and her healing was noticeable. She was stronger and growing. Her splint had to be changed before her scheduled follow-up due to growth. Strength wanted to play more, and she soaked up the wonderful company and love of David, her 8 year old foster and best buddy. She and David formed a very strong bond.

We knew the day was coming for her opportunity to join a family and begin her next level of care. At Strength’s surgery, a veterinary technician, Katie, had told her Mom, Angela, who lived in Colorado, about tiny little Strength. Angela applied to adopt Strength right away. Angela stayed connected with us all through Strength’s medical healing.
To her many donors, we thank you for helping to give this tiny fighter a chance and to the medical teams at both hospitals, we are so grateful for Strength’s care and treatment.
On the day of Strength’s adoption, so many came together for this very miracle adoption. Dr. Holcomb, Katie, Joe from Shonto, her medical fosters Sherrell and David, and her new family all got together in Flagstaff. There was not a dry eye in the house. It was a very special get together of so many who believed that little Strength could heal and have a chance for a good life.

On the first of October Miss Strength left our care and was adopted by Angela, Jason and Tank and Molly. Miss Strength is now known as Ume (ohh me) Vanquin Strength. Ume means strength and Vanquin is the name of the young lady who found her.
In her new home Ume attended more physical therapy, and she looks quite adorable while working her legs in the water treadmill. She plays with her new sister Molly while on their sides (dogs are so smart). Ume is living a wonderful, loved and happy life.
Please follow us for more Ume updates!